Hi folks! I have a logging question :sweat_smile: ...
# compose-web
Hi folks! I have a logging question 😅 I’m using Kotlin/JS with Compose for HTML. I’m running a local web server with
gradle run --continuous
so I can debug locally. (I’m not sure which local web server this actually spins up; it’s just the default one.) With my setup, I don’t have access to the JavaScript console on the client side. (VR development FTW!) Instead, I’d love to send a page request to the web server, like
and just have the default web server log the request to the command line. That’s one way I can think to get ‘logs’ showing up on my Mac without much fuss. Alternatively, I could have some other local web service on another port that handles log requests, like
python -m http.server 3000
. What do you think? Are there easy options here, or should I try to figure out Android
again for embedded web views?
if you're talking about the meta quest, I'd expect webviews to be debuggable via normal android mechanisms, https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/remote-debugging/
Oh, interesting! I didn’t know about that. Thanks! I’m not sure if it’ll work with embedded web views, but I’ll give it a shot. (And yes, I’ve got an Android app wrapping a web view on Meta Quest! So not the most straightforward setup unfortunately.)
if you have ADB then it'll work as long as your app is debuggable or if you call https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebView#setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(boolean) somewhere in your code
🙌 1
You might be interested in my project, #kobweb (https://github.com/varabyte/kobweb). It runs a custom ktor server for you, which you can extend with something called API routes. It would be pretty trivial to send a message from the client to the server and have the server log it. It may be overkill for your case though -- it sounds like you don't need a site as much as you need a page? But otherwise, Kobweb is good for providing built-in live reloading behavior as well as easy setup to get a fullstack project going if that's what you need.
❤️ 1
I had a moment so I threw together a minimal example of having a client send a message to the server using Kobweb. I basically used the empty project template and added the following code: https://github.com/bitspittle/log-demo/commit/5742da750ecf7bec406bf64fba9e7a65f7a56f2b
No pressure of course, but if you wanted to try this yourself... • Install the Kobweb CLI • git clone https://github.com/bitspittle/log-demo • cd log-demo/site • kobweb run And after running the site and sending some logs, you can see them in
Oh, that’s awesome – thanks, David! I had a good look at Kobweb’s modifier system when I spun up my own project, which also uses custom modifiers to generate HTML. It was a great inspiration!
(I’d love to chat and share more about what I’m doing sometime, actually, if you’re interested! I just wrapped at Apple after 5 years on the Vision Pro and I’m diving in to Kotlin now.)
I'll DM you shortly!