Hello. After upgrading Kotlin from 1.8.20 to Kotli...
# javascript
Hello. After upgrading Kotlin from 1.8.20 to Kotlin 1.9.20 suddenly CI job on Gitlab started to crash with `yarn.lock was changed. Run the
task to actualize yarn.lock file` This is weird, because nothing else changed I tried to invoke "kotlinUpgradeYarnLock" on CI and download result yarn.lock. On CI there is no "Dukat" library and its dependencies (typescript and protobuf)
Copy code
  version "0.5.8-rc.4"
  resolved "<https://registry.yarnpkg.com/dukat/-/dukat-0.5.8-rc.4.tgz#90384dcb50b14c26f0e99dae92b2dea44f5fce21>"
  integrity sha512-ZnMt6DGBjlVgK2uQamXfd7uP/AxH7RqI0BL9GLrrJb2gKdDxvJChWy+M9AQEaL+7/6TmxzJxFOsRiInY9oGWTA==
    google-protobuf "3.12.2"
    typescript "3.9.5"
Do you have any idea why this could be happening? If I revert to kotlin 1.8.20, everything works well
Dukat integration was removed because it broke Gradle plugin lifecycle (KT-54445) We are thinking how we can implement it in more smoothly way (KT-54395)