Hello, i have a very simple KMM project, implement...
# moko
Hello, i have a very simple KMM project, implemented ViewModel using mokomvvm. Now adding Di using Koin. Is MokoVM compliant with Koin? If so, can you please point me to a sample project? thanks
Yes, moko-mvvm works fine with Koin. See https://github.com/icerockdev/moko-mvvm/issues/160 for how to create the
for each platform. Once you have the
declared, then you declare your view models with it in common code:
Copy code
viewModelDefinition { ExampleViewModel() }
👀 1
thanks will try it later
Hi, known project sample you can share? thanks
Please have a look on the following repo, i'm learning KMM, the basics https://github.com/tmromao/usersv2/tree/koin