Is there an Idea plugin that folds functions with ...
# random
Is there an Idea plugin that folds functions with backticks
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and makes them appear without the backticks? I saw some plugins that do that to prettify certain parts of languages (e.g. python's lambda being replaced by the greek letter lambda)
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oh, that'd be very nice, let me subscribed to this thread
I've made it! Currently waiting on approval from Jetbrains Marketplace
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Guess which are folded and which aren't! I turned off the color for folded text in the settings btw, which helps a lot
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A few ideas and TODOs for the plugin: • Take in a custom mapping of function names/fqns to pretty names and use those as fallbacks (should be trivial to implement) • Add an option to hide the . in property access to pretty names (trivial) • Add an option to hide the parenthesis for prefix-like pretty functions (medium. Need to make it have similar semantics to existing prefix operators e.g.
) • Add the option to provide a custom format string for the function's arguments (medium. Varargs are difficult. Need to decide whether to exclude lambdas or not and when?) • Implement custom infix left/right operators with custom precedence (very hard. Note that this, like the rest, are in folding only, so it might be strange to type out). • Add option to fold single expression if-else to ternary operator
Great! Looking forward to it. Is it on GitHub?
Kudos! I'm curious on the whole predicates, could you expand the screenshot or past the whole code in here?
@Adam S It is on Github here. It will take a couple days for it to be approved on the Jetbrains marketplace, but once it is, it'll be just an install away @elect Here's a simplified example:
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infix fun Boolean.`?`(value: Any): Any = TODO()
infix fun Boolean.`&`(other: Boolean): Boolean = TODO()

infix fun Any.orElse(other: Any): Any = TODO()

infix fun Any.shiftLeft(other: Any): Any = TODO()

infix fun Any.shiftRight(other: Any): Any = TODO()

fun magicIf(condition: Any, block: () -> Unit): Any = TODO()
Now when I write:
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true `?` 1 orElse 2
true `&` false
1 shiftLeft 2 shiftRight 3
magicIf(true) {
It displays as the attached image (as long as you turn off the color for folded text in settings)
🆒 1
Looks like it works with emoji too 👀
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does the completion work just fine? Do you have to type the backticks first?
That's the catch yes. You have to type the backticks. I'll look into if there's a way to add those to completion. However, I think using
to change how a function is displayed might be a lot nicer than changing its name to a backticked one.