Is there a composable for a file display panel sim...
# compose-desktop
Is there a composable for a file display panel similar to like in a file explorer? with basic functionality like clicking to highlight, ctrl/shift click for multi select, dragging items, auto resizing number of columns, etc. also something like ability to implement drag and dropping files onto it
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sorry to be clear, i want something i can put as a panel in my app that i can selectively populate myself, not a generic file explorer popup dialog
what files u want to get ?
any way I don't think you can do this but u can get files and display it as you want and handle your own events by custom composable . if you already know the set of files .
there is no built in file tree rendering component, but you could implement something like that using a
. The difficult part will be resolving the icons to use for each file type as that'll be OS specific.
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