will kover ever actually support android instrumen...
# code-coverage
will kover ever actually support android instrumented tests?
I'm surprised to see this query. My recollection is that Kover does work with instrumented tests in general (tests that I wrote and measured to 100%) but fails miserably with @Composable code. Do you have a simple example that makes your case? If not, don't worry because I am about to embark on a testing marathon for some Android code I am converting to KMP that currently has no automated tests.
Support for Kotlin Android projects with build variants (instrumentation tests executing on the Android device are not supported yet).
That's on the readme for kover. I think testing Android code on the JVM works ok, i.e. tests in
rather than
. It's one of the biggest pains of android dev (cliche I know) that I can't simply run all my tests and see the code coverage without hours of painstaking configuration of jacoco and even then I can't see the coverage inside the IDE (I think due to the .exec and .ec formats, though I've not tried for a while). Good luck Paul! I'd be very interested to hear what your strategy is and how well you do.
Also, just to dogpile on the @Composable stuff, yeah it's a nightmare, in a codebase where I'm certain we have 95%+ coverage, we currently have 73% and I'm fairly certain it's due to compose compiler shenanigans. I say 73% coverage, I think what I mean is 73% average on instructions, lines, methods, classes and complexity. It's not a super duper useful metric, but we're just tracking the delta rather than the value since we're delivering the project using TDD.