Post 1.2.0 getting a stackOverFlow in Zipline Any ...
# squarelibraries
Post 1.2.0 getting a stackOverFlow in Zipline Any idea why below might be happening. this is v1.6.0
seems Related.
Yikes. Circular type name?
elaborate ? also 1.2.0 works fine, after updating to latest, this comes.
I wonder if it’s like `<T : List<T>> or something
My same reproducer still stands, can confirm there if need be.
lmk if maybe I am doing something wrong.
Any update, tried on latest 1.7.0, and it still crashes. I am stuck on 1.2.0, any help will be appreciated, since I am not able to bump kotlin and compose libs. 😢
I am cluseless on how to debug this anymore.
I remember asking you to help me repro this and then I don’t think I acted upon that
Is this our main tracking bug?
• Repo 1: ◦ manage zipline version in gradle/deps.versions.toml (default is 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT, same as 1.2.0) ◦ publish it locally:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
• Repo 2: (Resent an Invite) ◦ Launch Zipline
./gradlew :extensions-src:youtube:serveDevelopmentZipline --info --continuous
◦ run / debug
fun in test-platform/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt ▪︎ test-platform module is a jvm app & testApp is android app module to test, you can use any. Some deps: fuzzy-wuzzy , yt-api (In case of error in resolution in step 2, publish these in mavenLocal) @jessewilson lmk if need anything else, can even do sync to help you fasttrack this if needed.
thank you color 1
@jessewilson had a look ?
Jesse lemme know if you are open to have a brief sync, I feel that would help in finding the cause and even fasttracking this.
I am locked in historical kotlin and zipline versions because of this issue, open to help in any way possible.
A detailed inspection and an update from my side:
is it a self-referencing type?
List<T : List<T>>
or something?
I believe below gives the overflow:
client has something like this:
I ought to test it by seperating it out, dont know why didnt already...
Why is the companion serializable? That’s ... weird?
(either way we should probably not stack overflow here; instead we should detect a problem and tell you what’s broken)
Why is the companion serializable? That’s ... weird?
Have been just doing try and test of all kind, must have made it then 🙃. either way we should probably not stack overflow here; instead we should detect a problem and tell you what’s broken) this plus green