Hi, I am developing a kotlin library to be used b...
# ktor
Hi, I am developing a kotlin library to be used both from within android and/or server side jvm. Library needs to place some http calls, hence I user Ktor Client and give to the caller the option to customize which engine will be used. My question is the following: Should a wrap usages of the ktor client with
{ ..... } or this is not needed by ktor?
This isn't needed, because the
is by default.
@Aleksei Tirman [JB] Thanks Aleksei! Yet another dummy question: is it default to Ktor client?
👍 1
I had to use withContext (Io) around my Ktor client calls (okhtttp engine ) but I'm not complaining cause I like it that way :)
plus1 2
@Aleksei Tirman [JB] Thanks for your reply. Indeed it is crystal clear now.
@Aleksei Tirman [JB] it's for what version ? It doesn't look like it's in latest production release
Since 2.3.5.
i see 2.3.6 branch and it doesn't show that commit https://github.com/ktorio/ktor/compare/2.3.6...main or it's not how releases are done with Ktor? also when I use 2.3.6 client in my codebase I have to wrap client calls with withContext(IO) {} otherwise it runs network calls on Main thread on Android with OkHttp engine - am I missing something?
You can find the commit here.
right so it's in main but not in 2.3.5 - do you guys release tagged main or a branch? i just don't see that commit neither in 2.3.5 nor 2.3.6 brach. And I wouldn't care except that behavior you said is fixed - I don't see that it's fixed. Again, sorry if it's confusion on my part - still digesting that turkey 🙂
Usually, we release from tagged main, but the few last patch releases have been released from the separate branches.
anyway, what is exactly fixed? I still need to wrap my calls ktorClient.get() with withContext(IO) otherwise I get ANRs - shouldn't it not be needed after this fix?
@Aleksei Tirman [JB] any reason OkHttp engine is not using IO?
IO was added to native in coroutines too, but ktor is not using it
For the network calls OkHttp uses its own dispatcher that uses an ExecutorService to run calls internally.
Based on the experience from @andriyo, looks like it is not a good default dispatcher as it generates ANRs on Android by default which is totally the opposite someone would expect from a network client and even more compared to the behavior of the rest of engines in Ktor