Hello, Have you guys tried adding a pod dependency...
# ios
Hello, Have you guys tried adding a pod dependency that is hosted in a private git repo? I tried the following but it does not work:
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specRepos {
pod("TranslationManager") {
    version = "0.3.0"
using this I get the following error:
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Execution failed for task ':KMPModule:podInstallSyntheticIos'.
> 'pod install' command on the synthetic project failed with return code: 1
          Error: [!] Unable to add a source with url `<https://gitlab.privaterepo.com/ios/ios-specs.git>` named `privaterepo-ios-ios-specs`.
          Possible reason: spec repos are not configured correctly.
          Ensure that spec repos are correctly configured for all private pod dependencies:
          cocoapods {
             specRepos {
                 url("<private spec repo url>")
the private repo contains podspecs for our internal modules. the file structure in the repo is
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-- version
   -- Module1Name.podspec
-- version
   -- Module2Name.podspec