Hello, can anyone explain me what exactly "Finger...
# gradle
Hello, can anyone explain me what exactly "Fingerprinting inputs" does (when viewing timeline in build scan)? Why can this take minutes even with 100% cache hits? It is significantly reducing the usefulness of build cache in our cases. Thanks
According to these issues it appears that making transforms is also part of this process: • https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/298888646https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/26514 However I'm confused on why this still needs to be done on a local machine after remote build cache hit.
It's not after cache hit, it is before cache hit. Because the fingerprint is the cache key.
ah I see. So it has to do this calculation to calculate the fingerprint. But is it normal for this to take a minute?
Heavily depends on what has to be done. If there are 20_000 input files any calculating hash could already need significant time. If a non-cacheable transformation is involved, the question is how long that takes and for how many files, and so on. You maybe could use the
to find out where the time is spent.
thank you color 1