Hi Guys , I need to create a small enough project ...
# compose-web
Hi Guys , I need to create a small enough project for local hackathon using compose-web , It will make around 5-10 API calls and have around 4-5 screens , should I use wasm target or kobweb for this ? What exactly are the pros and cons of either frameworks?
Wasm would make your project more attractive, it is what would call the hackathon judges attention when presenting the solution. Kobweb more stable tho
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Author of Kobweb here. Note that Kobweb is not Wasm, it's Compose HTML. I don't think that will matter to you, unless the hackathon is about what you can do with Wasm :) I'm biased but I'd suggest Compose HTML for a hackathon in most cases today, since there are a lot of resources online about traditional website development while Wasm is still very new. If you go with Kobweb, feel free to ask questions in the #kobweb channel. Good luck!
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