What is the latest snapshot version of SQLDelight?...
# squarelibraries
What is the latest snapshot version of SQLDelight? I'm specifically looking for a version that solves this issue on multiplatform https://github.com/cashapp/sqldelight/issues/4598
Ah thanks for bring this one up. Thought it was me doing something wrong. Had same issue in older version of sqdelight as well. Also the new dsl not either working for like commonMain except from AndroidTarget
I saw a similar issue when the sqldelight plugin isn't defined in the main build.gradle.kts file. Not sure if that may be the issue or not. i.e.
Copy code
plugins {
    // this is necessary to avoid the plugins to be loaded multiple times
    // in each subproject's classloader
    alias(libs.plugins.androidApplication) apply false
    alias(libs.plugins.androidLibrary) apply false
    alias(libs.plugins.jetbrainsCompose) apply false
    alias(libs.plugins.kotlinCocoapods) apply false
    alias(libs.plugins.kotlinMultiplatform) apply false
    alias(libs.plugins.kotlinSerialization) apply false
    alias(libs.plugins.sqldelight) apply false
@Trey Yeah thanks this was what I forgot to add for sqldelight. Had for all my pther plugins 😄 Then it works 🙂