:wave: I'm trying to use kotlin compiler options w...
# teamcity
👋 I'm trying to use kotlin compiler options when generating kotlin DSL teamcity configs. Adding the compiler option onto the
ensures the compiler warning dissapper in the settings.kts file (see the configuration parameter below), but trying to generate the configs with the
task doesn't work. Question then is, how do I add the compiler options so that they are picked up also when generating configs, and avoid the following error:
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[ERROR] Error while generating TeamCity configs:
[ERROR] Compilation error settings.kts[8:9]: To use contextual declarations, specify the `-Xcontext-receivers` compiler option
[ERROR] Compilation error settings.kts[13:13]: To use contextual declarations, specify the `-Xcontext-receivers` compiler option
these are the compiler options I'm adding:
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☝️ again, they are picked up, but not when generating configs which seems like a bug? 🐞