:wave: Hello! I have a NodeJS app running in Cloud...
# javascript
👋 Hello! I have a NodeJS app running in Cloud Run and am experimenting with
but it's giving me only the generated Javascript source files, rather than the Kotlin ones (see 🧵). I did a bit of searching online but I'm not sure showing the Kotlin source files is even possible right now. Feels like a sourcemap issue to me. Is it possible to set this up so that the Kotlin sources are visible in the stacktrace?
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I'm getting the following right now
Copy code
   at SignatureMismatch_getInstance (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:71495:7)
   at $verifyRequestCOROUTINE$9.protoOf.qh (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:71714:32)
   at $computeCOROUTINE$<http://1.protoOf.ae|1.protoOf.ae> (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:14370:33)
   at $computeCOROUTINE$1.protoOf.v3 (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:14417:17)
   at CancellableContinuationImpl.protoOf.lp (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:20751:24)
   at ScheduledMessageQueue.protoOf.p11 (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:21534:19)
   at /app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:21459:14
   at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:78:11)
I would have expected to see the stacktrace reference this line where the exception is thrown
Do you see the source map files alongside the JS ones?
Here's the final binary folder which is packaged up as a docker container and uploaded. It looks like that .map file has mappings that point to Kotlin files - I'm assuming this is the right one?
Looks like it. That's strange tho, I would have expected to see a Kotlin file in the stack trace.
nod 1
Worth noting that I also have a multi-module setup and am using the npm.publish plugin to generate the combined binary in a single JS file
Try to change the source maps config to embed the Kotlin sources.
This should be done in the link task, not the compile task
Try to change the source maps config to embed the Kotlin sources.
Do you have an example of how to do that?
Yup but the task is something like
. Not a the pc now so can't check.
Cool thanks, will try! 🙇 I'm also noticing that the .map file actually contains relative paths which is suspicious. Seeing a lot of
Copy code
unless you publish with your kotlin files, you won't be able to see the sources
Don't worry about paths. Just embed the entire sources.
Reading a bit more about source maps in NodeJS, it looks like I was missing the flag
apparently. When I added this to my Docker command, I started getting the correct source path with no other changes.
CMD exec node --enable-source-maps thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js
Copy code
   at Cancelled_getInstance (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:70582:7)
   at RealSlackAuthUseCase$invoke$slambda.protoOf.qh (/backend/slack-data/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/gchristov/thecodinglove/slackdata/usecase/SlackAuthUseCase.kt:33:20)
   at RealSlackAuthUseCase$invoke$slambda.protoOf.n5e (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:70628:16)
   at l (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:70749:16)
   at startUndispatchedOrReturn (/backend/appBackend/build/compileSync/js/main/productionLibrary/kotlin/src/kotlin/coroutines_13/IntrinsicsJs.kt:99:43)
   at withContext (/opt/teamcity-agent/work/44ec6e850d5c63f0/kotlinx-coroutines-core/js/src/CoroutineContext.kt:61:5819)
   at RealSlackAuthUseCase.protoOf.v5d (/backend/slack-data/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/gchristov/thecodinglove/slackdata/usecase/SlackAuthUseCase.kt:29:88)
   at $handleHttpRequestAsyncCOROUTINE$0.protoOf.qh (/backend/slack/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/gchristov/thecodinglove/slack/SlackAuthHttpHandler.kt:46:16)
   at SlackAuthHttpHandler.protoOf.g5m (/app/bin/thecodinglove-kmp-appBackend.js:73847:16)
   at BaseHttpHandler$handleHttpRequest$slambda.protoOf.qh (/backend/common-service/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/gchristov/thecodinglove/commonservice/BaseHttpHandler.kt:55:17)
The error corresponds exactly to the line where the exception was thrown
Oh that's good to know! Thanks!
No worries! Glad it was as simple as that 🙂 Thanks for jumping in on this 🙌