How can update one element of a list that is a val...
# getting-started
How can update one element of a list that is a val of a data class? If the data is something else, say and integer, you'd do
Copy code
myDataClass = myDataClass.copy(myInt = newIntValue)
But say I have
Copy code
val listOfInt: List<Int>
and I want to update
There are two possible approaches here: • Use
and do
myDataClass.listOfInt[5] = 42
• Keep using immutable
. Unfortunately, there's no native way to make a list copy with an updated element, so you will need to create a temporary mutable copy of it, e.g. with this extension
Copy code
fun <T> List<T>.update(index: Int, item: T): List<T> = toMutableList().apply { this[index] = item) }
With that you can write
Copy code
myDataClass.copy(listOfInt = myDataClass.listOfInt.update(5, 42))
Thank you! Is there a disadvantage with using a
and not using
Not having to copy over N list elements (thus allocating N new elements on the heap) only to then have the garbage collect destroy the previous N elements. A MutableList would simply mutate the single element in place. The difference between an
operation vs
So that's an advantage?
Say theoretically you have computer processor that can do 10.000 things per second. And you have a list of 1000 elements. In the copy implementation you will need to copy over each and every element every time you make an update, costing you a 1000 operations of the 10.000 you have available. In the mutable list implementation you will update in place a single element and be done, costing you 1 operation of the 10.000 you have at your disposal.
Yes, and I was wondering whether there was a disadvantage?
As with all thing in our field, it depends 😄 Only ever dealing with immutable data does lead to safer code with fewer bugs
☝️ 4
Usually when you want to update a data class you use copy, so that's why I'm wondering.
So there's always an argument to be made in favour of immutability and data classes
But when one compares implementations and sees one performing linear time and one constant time, usually that's a sign you should pick the one doing constant time
but it always depends
If you are for example sure your list will only ever contain a very small number of elements, the performance difference probably won't even matter
But surely if you need to many times copy over huge lists, your performance will be atrocious
I will add though, against what I am saying above, having a data class, but then internally mutating the contents, is definitely an anti-pattern
If you really have a large list but don't do frequent copying, you might want to preserve immutability without paying the O(N) penalty by taking this approach:
as a data class should signify to whoever reads your code "this is an immutable piece of code", so my suggestion be: 1. Definitely use a MutableList 2. Change your data class to a regular class
copying lists isn't really that bad for performance. they only hold references so it's not like all the objects in the list are being copied - they're being shared
but if that's really a concern, then consider - it contains
, which is immutable with efficient copy (using sharing)