I'm using Kotlin 1.8.20, openjdk 17. I've been wor...
# coroutines
I'm using Kotlin 1.8.20, openjdk 17. I've been working on a server in Windows, it listens to sockets. Once I took it over to Linux on my VPS (1 vcore), it did not seem to get to the listening logic. I was able to break the problem down to this: Example A:
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launch {
  launch { println("b") }
Same result on Windows and the VPS. B is printed pretty much instantly. Example B:
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launch {
  launch { println("b") }
Output is pretty much the same as Example A on Windows. On the VPS, it takes about 5 seconds (or until it gets to the end of the block?) for B to be printed. This becomes a problem when the delay(1) and inner-launch is replaced with actual logic, and inside of a loop... the inner launches will never start as it waits until the end of the block. Any ideas?
When you repro the problem with this code, how do you call it? What scope and dispatcher are you using? I don't see anything in the code you shared so far that would account for the behaviour you're seeing 🤔
It's possible the "actual logic" has some blocking behavior. This is forbidden for coroutines.
"forbidden" isn't quite right; it's expected that some things you
may be blocking
but yes, dispatch order isn't guaranteed and depending on the dispatcher, it may not be multithreaded
i can't get the original examples to cause the problem again (or haven't tried it enough), but i've been working back to it, dumbing it down a bit more for a reproducible example and I've found out I'm pretty sure it's just random when it occurs. Here's where I know it happened for sure, but I've gotten it down to examples similar to B where it has happened again, I just didn't save them. If the issue occurs, B won't print until after a socket connection was accepted.
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suspend fun main(): Unit = coroutineScope {

suspend fun run() = coroutineScope {
    val socket = javax.net.ServerSocketFactory.getDefault().createServerSocket(143)

    println("start ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")

    launch {

        launch {
            println("b ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")

should I be wrapping the socket.accept() with a different context? this is how the code looks like not dumbed-down (minus abstractions) since it doesnt seem like there's a specific part causing it, rather a random thing. Here the launch block is never called.
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coroutineScope {
    while (isActive) {
        val transport = socket.accept()
        launch { handle(transport) }
I tried using Dispatchers.IO for that and it seemed to work 🙂. Is there a simple reason in the difference between Windows and the VPS? Also, it seems that the problem just happens later on now. What exactly should be getting ran with Dispatchers.IO? I think I have updated all socket read/writes + accepting. Java Sockets should be the only blocking API in my code.
In Linux ports below 1024 require admin (i.e. root) privileges. If you are launching your app as a non-root user you will not have rights to open the port
I launch it as root, and the launch does get launched maybe the first time? eventually they stop launching. I don't think it's an issue of the sockets being open, it's just that the launch blocks don't get executed until the end of the parent block.
In that case, I think what you are looking for is a "channel" not a Socket. Something like :
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val serverSocket: Future<AsynchronousSocketChannel> = AsynchronousServerSocketChannel.open().bind(InetSocketAddress(123)).accept()
That returns a Future and should not block
Be aware that, while a channel can be read/written (shared) by multiple threads, only one thread can read/write at any given time. You are responsible for the mutex handling
Is there any reason why there's this difference between the vps and my windows computer. I even ran it through docker on Windows, so it runs through wsl. it's a pretty simple protocol, command-response. There shouldn't be any reading or writing at the same time by different threads. I don't see how that causes the launch block to not be executed at all either, unless this is an alternative solution?
I will be able to try the channel thing later.
number of cores impacts number of threads in Dispatchers.Default which may make certain outcomes more or less likely
but your blocking code should always have been on Dispatchers.IO regardless
fair, seems that everything has worked itself out since switching to Dispatchers.IO. thanks 🙂