is there a link to all the possible options and do...
# compose-desktop
is there a link to all the possible options and docs what they do in build.gradle.kts nativeDistributions macOS / windows / linux sections?
yeah but thats not complete and also a bit wrong
• macOS —
on macOS it will also run TargetFormat.AppImage for some reason. i you can't tell it otherwise
As far as I know you can’t select AppImage in the Gradle file but it is defined by jpackage and you need its functionality to create a DMG or PKG. So, what is wrong there?
appimage is linux only and needs special tools. it wont work on macos to my knowledge
I guess we are talking about different things then. You seem to be referring to and I am referring to the jpackage --type option
. The documentation does not mention any support for your AppImage.
appimage is supported, because i build it :) with
Copy code
i just cant disable it on macOS. so i have to sed the gradle file every time. which is annoying
I just did that too on Linux via a GitHub action. The artefact which gets created does not look like an AppImage according to your terms. There is no file with a .AppImage extension. Instead it just creates a container folder of the application which contains all the needed artefacts of the application. That’s exactly the container which is created by jpackage for all supported operating systems.
yes i know. you have to to the last part yourself. but now try to run ./gradlew packageDistributionForCurrentOS on macOS with TargetFormat.AppImage in the gradle file. this should not run on macOS because it errors out
I know that this does not work on macOS for some reason although technically this should not be a problem. You did not mention before that you have “to do the last part yourself”. Would you mind documenting what exactly this last part is? Might be interesting for others too.
but thats not what i mean. on macos the appimage should not run, like .exe .msi does not run on macOS i think thats a bug
wherever it is noted that rpm runs only on linux and msi only on windows. it should be fixed that appimage only runs on linux and not on macOS