Hello, is there a known way to pass arguments to a...
# compose-android
Hello, is there a known way to pass arguments to a Fragment via
? Obviously, as it is inflated by a View (Binding), it is inflated without arguments:
Copy code
AndroidViewBinding(factory = ComposeDashboardMainBinding::inflate) {
    val myFragment = composeDashboardContainerView.getFragment<DashboardMainFragment>()
    myFragment.arguments = Bundle().apply {
       putString("test-param", "Alex") // Not passed before onCreate and others

     myFragment.setParams("Alex") // Calling a function does work
I've found a way!
Copy code
AndroidView(factory = { context ->
    FrameLayout(context).apply {
        id = R.id.compose_test
            .add(R.id.compose_test, DashboardMainFragment().apply {
                arguments = Bundle().apply {
                    putString("test-param", "Alex")
            }, "FRAGMENT_TEST")
}, onRelease = {
    val fragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("FRAGMENT_TEST")
    fragment?.let { it1 -> supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().remove(it1).commitNow() }
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()