I’m getting a lot of weird errors when I add cocoa...
# multiplatform
I’m getting a lot of weird errors when I add cocoapods plugin to my project, anyone faced this and fixed it? FIXED, thanks
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Could not determine the dependencies of task ':shared:cinteropFirebaseAnalyticsIosArm64'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':shared:iosArm64CInterop'.
   > Consumable configurations with identical capabilities within a project (other than the default configuration) must have unique attributes, but configuration ':shared:podDebugFrameworkIosFat' and [configuration ':shared:debugFrameworkIosFat'] contain identical attribute sets. Consider adding an additional attribute to one of the configurations to disambiguate them.  Run the 'outgoingVariants' task for more details. For more information, please refer to <https://docs.gradle.org/8.4/userguide/upgrading_version_7.html#unique_attribute_sets> in the Gradle documentation.
I installed cocoapods using homebrew
and running pod --version shows 1.14.3
ok ignore, fixed, was causing erros cuz i was also adding framework configurations in another place