While implementing an assignment alterer plugin wi...
# compiler
While implementing an assignment alterer plugin with more relaxed rules than the official one, I seem to not be able to intercept
this = foo
calls. Is this intentional, and could it be something that can be relaxed? I'm near sure that it is due to this one line of code here:
Copy code
if (assignAltererExtensions != null && resolvedReference is FirResolvedNamedReference) {
I believe it's because a
is not a
, and so it doesn't pass that check. I think that could probably be relaxed to also pass for
, but I can see how niche this is of a request.
I'm also getting no IDE support. Is that to be expected? I've defined assignment alterers both for k1 and K2, and I'm applying my plugin in gradle
I think it is, until the new FIR based IDE plugin becomes the standard.