I am trying to setup a https ktor server running o...
# ktor
I am trying to setup a https ktor server running on my android app. i don't have a central server, so I want every app to generate their own self signed certificate. but i can't seem to figure this out. I use this for my keyStore:
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val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType())
keyStore.load(null, null)
and this to setup the server:
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val environment = applicationEngineEnvironment {
                        keyStore = keyStore,
                        keyAlias = "",
                        keyStorePassword = { "".toCharArray() },
                        privateKeyPassword = { "".toCharArray() }
                    ) {
                        port = SERVER_HTTPS_PORT
                    module {
                        routing {
// ...
however, when I run the app i get
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java.lang.NullPointerException: connector.keyStore.getCe…Chain(connector.keyAlias) must not be null
                                                                                                    	at io.ktor.server.netty.NettyChannelInitializer.<init>(NettyChannelInitializer.kt:54)
                                                                                                    	at io.ktor.server.netty.NettyApplicationEngine.createBootstrap(NettyApplicationEngine.kt:182)
                                                                                                    	at io.ktor.server.netty.NettyApplicationEngine.access$createBootstrap(NettyApplicationEngine.kt:30)
                                                                                                    	at io.ktor.server.netty.NettyApplicationEngine$bootstraps$2.invoke(NettyApplicationEngine.kt:163)
                                                                                                    	at io.ktor.server.netty.NettyApplicationEngine$bootstraps$2.invoke(NettyApplicationEngine.kt:162)
The error seems to be that ktor expects to have some key alias, however the Android Keystore afaik has none. Was anyone able to get this working?
How do you import the key to the keystore or how do you generate entries in the keystore?
@Aleksei Tirman [JB] I don't, this is all the code I am using right now. First time using keystores and whatnot so probably i am missing something here
currently checking online on how to do what you mentioned
kind of offtopic but still relevant: I noticed how ktor has a nice buildKeyStore function but it doesnt work on Android. Do you happen to know if there anything similar that might be working for both android and jvm?
I don't think there is a solution that works both on Android and JVM. You need to find out how to generate self-signed certificates on Android in the code.
alright. ill see if i can figure out how to add keys to the keystore as you said. thanks for th epointer Aleksei
@Aleksei Tirman [JB] i think i sorted it out. i copy pasted the buildKeyStore{} functionality from ktor and updated the keystore's keytype to use the default one
Do you know why ktor uses "JKS"? Is there something special about that one?
What do you mean by "JKS"?
the reason why buildKeyStore {} doesnt work on Android is because Android does not support "JKS". It's a type you pass to:
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val store = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS")!!
see the build() part of buildKeyStore{} at that line, Android throw a:
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Caused by: java.security.KeyStoreException: JKS not found
if you replace that with
val store = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType())!!
it work on Android
I think that's how it should be by default on ktor, but i am no security/keystore expert. I just think Android devs shouldn't have to worry about this. too hidden
Al openned a PR for this 🙂 https://github.com/ktorio/ktor/pull/3854