Has anyone had any success with scrolling to a `La...
# compose
Has anyone had any success with scrolling to a
item inside a
? I just find that nothing happens, and I think its because of the sheets half expanded state.
I've been recently fighting with setting scroll state.
wasn't performing a scroll at all in my case, while
did the work. I guess there's some race condition to update the UI, but I've found no way to make
work. Does
work for you? It's not the greatest UX approach, as I'd rather the scroll to be invisible to the user
Have you tried specifying the initial index directly when calling
? Might be worth filing a bug in either case though! I suspect my case is odd because effectively the list scroll would need to trigger the sheet to move up the screen (like when dragging it up to see more items) which I dont think it can do at this point.
didnt make any difference here. Furthermore, if I populate my list with more items, it kind of scrolls .. just not far enough to make the specified index actually visible.
In my case I'm not using
, I'm creating the state out of the Compose world, hoisting it to an state holder. I'm taking care of notifying Compose of state changes but still
doesn't do the job in my case 😕 I'll see if there's any reports and open one if not. You seem to even be in a worse place than mine with none of the
functions doing the job 😵‍💫
I chose to create a ticket for my issue here, added some more details in there too! 😃 For your case, are you able to test having the list state be part of "the compose world" and checking if it scrolls to the item then? Just to make sure none of the custom stuff is getting in the way!
❤️ 1
Great point! In fact, now that you say it, I do remember using
as part of my debugging process to see if the error was caused by my implementation. The result was the same, though 🥲
Gotcha! 😞 Sounds like a good case for an issue, give me a poke if/when you create one and Ill star it!