Following a remark on how to avoid :not-kotlin-but...
# meta
Following a remark on how to avoid not kotlin but kotlin colored in #gradle, a suggestion was made to split and rename the Gradle channel to make its topic more explicit. I think this is a good idea. Original thread: Copying the proposal: > We could split in 2 channels: > • #kotlin-gradle-plugin > • #kotlin-gradle-dsl > That would leave no general Gradle channel.
neat 1
That would unfortunately imply that the person with the question confidently knows if the question is about kgp or if it is about the kotlin dsl. I would say that most of the people with gradle questions are not even aware where their question would apply. Me included. So I am not sure how much this would help.
Fair point. Maybe we should agree on the scope of each channel first. •
is the most well defined to me, it's about every API that is in kotlin-gradle.plugin.jar
I'm not 100% sure actually. Does that cover accessors generation and the
plugins {}
block? Does it cover the assignment plugin? Does it cover Gradle embedded Kotlin version incompatibilities, how kotlinc is invoked from Gradle (not really DSL anymore)? more?
Maybe just keep #kotlin-gradle-plugin and redirect everything else to the Gradle slack?
Or we keep #gradle for general community help and we're ok with occasional more general Gradle questions.
Maybe just keep #kotlin-gradle-plugin and redirect everything else to the Gradle slack?
I feel like that's worse than the status quo, because it blocks questions that could have been legitimate, but were not anticipated.
Do you have an example?
Well, that's my point: if any example exists that we didn't think of, then it has no place to be asked. Whereas currently, it can be asked in #gradle
👍 1
Ah, I see 🙂
At work we have a #ask-anything channel for such fallback questions
But if we can't find an example of legitimate question that doesn't belong in #kotlin-gradle-plugin then it's a good sign that we don't need a lot more
One example that comes to mind:
How do I pass flags to the Kotlin compiler used to compile my build.gradle.kts
. Is this a Gradle question? Is this a Kotlin question?
Maybe we should we ask in #naming 😄
😅 1
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