Hi, just getting started with KMP using <the KMP w...
# moko
Hi, just getting started with KMP using the KMP wizard. When trying to add moko, I get the following error when building to Android:
e: file:///<path to project>/shared/build/generated/moko/commonMain/src/DigitalGameSheets/shared/MR.kt:12:22 Expected object 'MR' has no actual declaration in module <shared_debug> for JVM
check this thread please
Thank you! that did the trick!
Hmm looks like im running into the same issue when trying to run the desktop app. Not sure if something changed but here's my repo if you've got time to take a look (no worries if not). I've applied the workaround that was suggested but getting the same error https://gitlab.com/kv87/digital-game-sheets