I installed beta release of the Ktlint intellij pl...
# ktlint
I installed beta release of the Ktlint intellij plugin. Several plugin config options have been removed, most notably the error level option. Will this be restored before the final release?
No it will not. The behaviour of the plugin is radically changed. Now only violations that can not be autocorrected are displayed. Those should be solved by Dev and as of that are errors. Your use case may vary of course. So why do you not want them to be visible as error?
Having formatting issues flagged as error causes too much distraction. I have ktlint plugin in gradle that will automatically format my code and IntelliJ will do the same on action “save” or “format code”. Thus, in an IDE editor window I want to focus on the written code and not be distracted by stuff that ktlint will take care of behind the scenes.
Yes that is exactly why the behavior is changed. No lint violations are shown while compilation errors exists. Errors which can be autocorrected will also never be shown. What kind of lint violations are show n that can be autocorrected (and as of that should not have been shown)?
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Couldn’t tell you. Never had a closer look at the flagged ktlint errors TBH.
Can you try-out the plugin as it is right now, and let me know what (and when) ktlint violations are interrupting your flow. Preferably via an issue in the project.
I would need to update my projects’ Ktlint gradle plugin to also use Ktlint 1.0.1 to avoid conflicts with IntelliJs Ktlint plugin. Will try to make some time for that over coming weeks.
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