:spider_web: Latest Kobweb v0.15.2 :spider_web: <h...
# kobweb
🕸️ Latest Kobweb v0.15.2 🕸️ https://github.com/varabyte/kobweb/releases/tag/v0.15.2 This new Kobweb version allows you to build against the recently released Kotlin 1.9.21 (and Compose 1.5.11). Be sure to update all three dependencies together. NOTE: I didn't mention the Kobweb v0.15.1 release in this channel, because it was mainly a handful of technical improvements related to packaging Kobweb libraries. These were important to tackle on the road to v1.0, but as they were unlikely to apply to most users, it didn't seem worth making noise about it. You can of course read more here if you are curious: https://github.com/varabyte/kobweb/releases/tag/v0.15.1
🙌 3
❤️ 4
K 3
🦜 2
Since 1.5.11 has added support for kotlin 2.0.0-Beta1, i just tried to run kobweb app with the latest version (tbh i am trying kobweb after a long time) and it throws the following error. Any idea what’s going on here, could this be an issue with K2 ?
Copy code
> Task :compose:web:compileKotlinJs FAILED
e: Source '/compose/web/build/generated/kobweb/app/src/jsMain/kotlin/main.kt' does not belong to any module
Yeah we're looking into that. We're not sure yet.
👍 1
It's related to something we're doing for ksp.
@suresh saw your comment on https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-63753, thanks!