Hello guys, I am facing an issue when creating a c...
# gradle
Hello guys, I am facing an issue when creating a custom task that will be registered in each module's
file. I need
plugin for that. Here is how the task looks
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abstract class MyTask : DefaultTask() {
    abstract val moduleName: Property<String>

    abstract val moduleArtifactId: Property<String>

    abstract val repositoryUrl: Property<String>

    fun execute() {

        print("hello from my task, my name is ${moduleName.get()}, ${moduleArtifactId.get()}, ${repositoryUrl.get()}") //${name.get()}")
        project.publishing {
            publications {
                create<MavenPublication>("release") {
                    groupId = project.properties["groupId"] as String
                    version = project.properties["version"] as String
                    artifactId = moduleArtifactId.get()
                    project.afterEvaluate {
                    artifact("$buildDir/outputs/aar/$artifactId-release.aar") {
                        classifier = "release"
            repositories {
                maven {
                    this.name = moduleName.get()
                    this.url = uri(repositoryUrl.get())

                    credentials {
                        username = "my-user-name"
                        password = "my-password"
and I register it in
in the following manner:
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tasks.register<MyTask>("mytask") {
    moduleName.set("module's name")
    moduleArtifactId.set("artifact's id")
    repositoryUrl.set("remote repo's url")
Error I am getting is:
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* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':sdk:modulename'.
> Could not create task ':sdk:modulename:mytask'.
   > Could not create task of type 'MyTask'.
      > Class Build_gradle.MyTask is a non-static inner class.
I need a task for this since I want the exact same logic for all the modules. I just change some of things dynamically, like
Classes defined in build.gradle.kts automatically become inner classes if they reference any properties from the build itself, e.g. the
I'm not exactly sure which line will be the culprit in this case 🤔 because the task's own
property should shadow the one from the outer build script
Probably one of the DSL function you're using, like
, is resolving to a function from the build script instead of something defined inside the class
To be honest, I would just put the whole thing in a separate module like buildSrc instead of declaring it inside a build script
also you should not modify the project model (such as adding publications) from within a task action. it will not work and that should all be set up at configuration time
let me try doing it in a separate module, didn't know it could be specific to build.gradle, I just wanted to test it in there for the beginning
👍 1
Your actual task action will still not work.
The culprit should be
which references the outer script and thus makes the task non-static. But as others said, you must not change the configuration at task execution time anyway. What you want is not a task, but a plugin. A so-called convention plugin that you develop in
or an included build like
and that you then apply to all your modules builds.
Thank you guys, I will let you know when I figure out how to do this properly. Will create a convention plugin. @hfhbd why you think it won't work?