I know it's a non compose question (I don't have t...
# compose
I know it's a non compose question (I don't have that not kotlin but kotlin colored track record here lol) but who runs that android dev mastodon community? I see a lot of compose related posts get shared here and I feel like I'm missing out lol. Applied for an account weeks ago with no results 😞
You don't need to be a member. Just follow those people on your own instance. Or a hashtag for Compose. Or both!
☝️ 1
I'm so new to mastodon lol. Maybe I need to learn more 😓
All I know is if I try and add it to the app, it takes me to the settings page for the instance
Oh, I think I figured it out... I can do it from the main instance 😅
Thanks y'all!
I’m one of the mods there, I’ll take a look at what’s going on. You’re talking about androiddev.social right?
Correct, although, if all I need to do is be on the main mastodon instance, or host my own, that works too
I'm honestly new to mastodon and just see it used more often here 😅
You don’t need to have an account on a server to follow people on that server.
Yeah, that's what I figured out with some help, I can probably comment too just being on the main instance
Yes you can reply, boost, and favorite posts from any server
As long as your servers are federating together, but we federate with all the big ones afaik
Gotcha! That works out then, consider me a boomer for mastodon lol 🤣
I found your request, looks like we just let a bunch of requests slip through the cracks - oops.
So you don’t want to create an account?
Is it worth having a second account? Sorry to answer with a question 😅
Like, one on the main instance and one on the android dev instance
Imo it’s just more work with no benefit. Some people have different accounts for topical reasons, but afaik most people just stick with one
Gotcha, is there a way to just invite the main account into the android dev instance then?
Or is that not how it works
No need. Your public posts will show up on our Federated timelines (since people from our server follow people on your server), and otherwise visibility is mostly driven by who follows you and boosts your posts
What’s your full username? I’ll give you a follow
Right now I'm using @andrewfluck@mastodon.social
I see ya!
I approved your request anyway, just in case you want to use it later. You can let it sit for now, if you ever want to transfer over you can have your old account redirect to this one.
Gotcha! Thanks for tackling that, and explaining mastodon to me like I'm 5 🤣
I get most tech stuff, and thought I understood mastodon... Learn something new every day 🤣
Once you get used to it it’s pretty simple, like everything else 😂
I figure, regardless, thanks for the help! I appreciate it
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