I'm implementing in my compose-APP the logger with...
# compose-desktop
I'm implementing in my compose-APP the logger with
lib and works in the IDE test, but When run the Distributable(.exe) throws javax/naming/namingexception in a Dialog without trace or info. I tried run in CMD the distributable, but he did not printed the trace. Any way to obtain trace of the Exception or any tip?
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private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {} // Error when instance the logger

fun main() = application {
    Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication) {
        window.minimumSize = Dimension(1100, 882)
Have you tried posting an issue to the kotlin-logging library? Its multiplatform support is experimental. I'm not sure how you are building the exe, but that sounds like a native target, then you might need the logger for native not the logger for jvm (kotlin-logging-jvm vs e.g. kotlin-logging-linuxx64).
Thx Sebastian for your tip, I migrate mi old Gradle app KMP to JVM. But the error persist. In another message I found that, I needed to add the module to `Jlink`: Solution:
are in module
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compose.desktop {
  application {
   nativeDistributions {