Is it possible to debug kotlin-native runtime (mem...
# kotlin-native
Is it possible to debug kotlin-native runtime (memory manager) in iOS application > Unfortunately, this feature works quite unstable because of using several llvm versions simultaneously, so it’s need to be additionally enabled while compiling application with
compiler flag or corresponding setting in gradle build script. After doing this, Kotlin/Native runtime in application is debuggable in CLion, with Attach to process tool. I have checked documents above
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Please help me. What should I do?
Do you mean, whether it's possible to attach a debugger so that the K/N runtime code would be debuggable (i.e. display sources, locals, etc.)? If so, then the answer is likely "no". But what's the problem you're trying to solve?
Thank you for your help! I’m curious about K/N runtime. To understand what is happening in K/N runtime, I will use this code snippet ( )
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Just in case you want to track what the GC is doing, you can do so via
). It does use
under the hood.
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