on some of my components, i am running into "java....
# kotlinx-html
on some of my components, i am running into "java.lang.IllegalStateException: You can't change tag attribute because it was already passed to the downstream at kotlinx.html.consumers.DelayedConsumer.onTagAttributeChange(delayed-consumer.kt:16)" . details in thread
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class Sidebar(consumer: TagConsumer<*>): ASIDE(mapOf(
    "class" to "absolute top-30 left-0 z-40 w-64 h-screen transition-transform -translate-x-full sm:translate-x-0",
// XXX this doesn't set it
//    "aria-label" to "Sidebar",
    "id" to "default-sidebar"), consumer) {

    fun render(block: Sidebar.() -> Unit) {
        // XXX this breaks with exception
        attributes["aria-label"] = "Sidebar"
//        id = "default-sidebar"
        div("h-full px-3 py-4 overflow-y-auto bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-800") {

fun FlowContent.sidebar(block: Sidebar.() -> Unit) {
it is blowing up when i attempt to set attributes in the render function - which would be ok if i could set attributes when creating the tag, but i cannot. of the three at the top, only class gets set
ah nvm. this should have been:
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fun FlowContent.sidebar(block: Sidebar.() -> Unit) {
        .visit { render(block) }