Hi! Does anyone recommend any ORM library for DB2 ...
# ktor
Hi! Does anyone recommend any ORM library for DB2 databases? We have some old legeacy systems with db2 databases with very complex queries.
If your queries are complex, I wouldn't recommend using an ORM
I wrote an experimental DB2 dialect for sqldelight. I am happy for any feedback to improve it! https://github.com/hfhbd/sqldelight-db2-dialect
neat 1
it does not need to be ORM actually, just some .. maybe library with extensions methods which help me writing complex queries easier 🙂 somehting like this maybe -> https://github.com/AlessioCoser/jako
Well, sqldelight does it the other way, you write traditional sql queries and sqldelight compiles them and adds type safe Kotlin queries: https://cashapp.github.io/sqldelight/
💯 1
and this can be really useful for your use case, you won't need to rewrite your SQL queries with whatever library, you just copy/paste them and you get a method ready to use