I'm applying KSP to a convention plugin that I'm u...
# gradle
I'm applying KSP to a convention plugin that I'm using on multiple modules, but I want to make some configuration to the
. I somehow don't seem to be able to resolve that in my plugin, where could I be going wrong?
Copy code
class ExamplePlugin: Plugin<Project> {

    override fun apply(target: Project) {
        with(target) {

            // KspExtension doesn't resolve
            extensions.configure<KspExtension> {}

            // ksp bloc doesnt resolve
            ksp {

you need to add the ksp plugin as a run- or compile-time dependency of your plugin
got it, makes sense
I wonder how I can resolve that? I'm getting
Could not find com.google.devtools.ksp:1.9.20-1.0.14
when I add it as a compile time dependency
Nevermind, I've found this resource that explains exactly how I can resolve this dependency