Hi team! Awesome job with Compose on iOS! :raised_...
# compose-ios
Hi team! Awesome job with Compose on iOS! 🙌 I had this issue open earlier this year, where compose-compiler throws the following whenever there's a
function with
type parameter. It works as expected for all the other targets except for ios
Copy code
Compilation failed: Symbol for [ io.github.xxfast.decompose.router/rememberRouter|rememberRouter(kotlin.Any;kotlin.Boolean;kotlin.Function0<kotlin.collections.List<0:0>>){0§<kotlin.Any>}[0] <- Local[<TP>,0|TYPE_PARAMETER name:C index:0 variance: superTypes:[kotlin.Any] reified:false] ] is unbound
Can we take another look at this issue? I hope we are getting closer to solving this before this hits beta 🤞
👀 1