How do I map libraries which need require? <https:...
# javascript
How do I map libraries which need require? as an example
I attempted via:
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package ah.libs

// see <> (i'm not bothering with the window injection yet)
external object HTMX {
    // see <>
    fun onLoad(initializer: (content: Any) -> Unit)
the first part works (it imports, initializes, etc)
but the "htmx" object isn't available - probably because I'm not setting it up in the way they describe
if you are adding htmx as a script tag, just define externals without @JsModule
something like
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external fun require(mod: String): dynamic
then in your main function
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window.asDynamic().htmx = require("<|>")
should do the trick
thanks, that did the job
👍 1
Better solution, will be to put the JsModule (and JsNonModule) annotation directly on the object. It will not require the hack with the hack with 'require' function
I agree. So something like
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package ah.libs

// see <> (i'm not bothering with the window injection yet)
external object HTMX {
    // see <>
    fun onLoad(initializer: (content: Any) -> Unit)
then in main function
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window.asDynamic().htmx = HTMX
More like this:
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package ah.libs

// see <> (i'm not bothering with the window injection yet)
external object HTMX {
    // see <>
    fun onLoad(initializer: (content: Any) -> Unit)
isn't htmx implementations dependent upon htmx being defined on the windows object yet
Yeap it could be added in the same way after:
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window.asDynamic().htmx = HTMX