Quick survey/riddle. What do you think this progra...
# compose
Quick survey/riddle. What do you think this program will print?
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fun PrintFlowValue(number: Int, flow: StateFlow<Int>) {
    val value by flow.collectAsState()
    println("$number $value")

val Zero = MutableStateFlow(0)
val One = MutableStateFlow(1)

fun main() = singleWindowApplication {
    var flow by remember { mutableStateOf(Zero) }
    PrintFlowValue(flow.value, flow)

    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        flow = One
I would expect
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0 0
1 1
I think it's 0,0 and 1,1. Since it's a riddle I would expect it won't be as easy but in this case I would blame Jetpack Compose for not being intuitive:)
Indeed, unfortunately it’s unintuitive
is essentially implemented like this (details omitted):
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fun <T> StateFlow<T>.collectAsState(): State<T> = produceState(initialValue = value, this) {
    collect { value = it }

fun <T> produceState(
    initialValue: T,
    key1: Any?,
    producer: suspend ProduceStateScope<T>.() -> Unit
): State<T> {
    val result = remember { mutableStateOf(initialValue) }
    LaunchedEffect(key1) {
        ProduceStateScopeImpl(result, coroutineContext).producer()
    return result
Simplifying even further, since our state flow values don’t actually change:
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fun <T> StateFlow<T>.collectAsState(): State<T> {
    val result = remember { mutableStateOf(this.value) }
    LaunchedEffect(this) {
        result.value = this.value
    return result
At first sight 0 0 1 1
That side effect makes me think that there might be extra recomposition, so it's 0,0 twice and 1,1 twice, no?
Hmm , can't really think of anything that wouldn't be a serious issue. Some unconstrained recursion leading to infinite recompositions?
Just ran it and I got this:
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0 0
1 0
1 1
What on earth
This line in
seems the culprit:
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val result = remember { mutableStateOf(this.value) }
My theory is it gets the StateFlow from the previous composition and return its value, then after the LaunchEffect runs(after the composition) it updates the StateFlow and return the new value.
hey - you took all fun out of it by running it 🙂 the issue reminded me of something similar in RXJava when merging multiple streams with combineLatest I guess it's not really an issue but peculiarity of how things work anyway, it's a good one- thanks for sharing
Ah sorry 😔 too much temptation 🤷🏻‍♂️ But TBH I am still not sure what the real cause is. Later, I will log everywhere to see.
The reason is here:
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fun <T> StateFlow<T>.collectAsState(): State<T> {
    val result = remember { mutableStateOf(this.value) }
    LaunchedEffect(this) {
        result.value = this.value
    return result
The returned state is remembered with no key and is returned before its value is updated.
So when the flow changes, the first time collectAsFlow returns, the value of the state is still the value of the previous flow.
Only when the coroutine of the LaunchedEffect runs, it updates the value.
It’s reported here https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/205590513 and is currently closed as “working as intended”.
i guess we can't use remember with the key "this" there since it would defeat the purpose of remembering, but maybe have an option to pass a key to collectAsFlow
It should either remember with this as the key (which makes sense; new flow - new state), or remember the flow separately, and when it changes, set the value to the new flow’s value before returning (instead of in the effect).
👍 1
Ah right what I suspected, remember positional memoization. It bites me all the time. I keep saying that using
without keys, is danger.