I'm running into issues with cinterop and k/n 2.0-...
# kotlin-native
I'm running into issues with cinterop and k/n 2.0-beta. I'm trying to run SDL2 on my Mac Studio M2 which I remember working way earlier, during compile I'm getting the following err:
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e: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld invocation reported errors

The /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld command returned non-zero exit code: 1.
ld: warning: ignoring file '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/sdl2/2.28.5/lib/libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib': found architecture 'arm64', required architecture 'x86_64'
ld: Undefined symbols:
  _SDL_CreateWindow, referenced from:
      _platform_SDL2_SDL_CreateWindow_wrapper374 in KotlinNativeTemplate.kexe.o
  _SDL_Init, referenced from:
      _platform_SDL2_SDL_Init_wrapper826 in KotlinNativeTemplate.kexe.o
  _SDL_Quit, referenced from:
      _platform_SDL2_SDL_Quit_wrapper830 in KotlinNativeTemplate.kexe.o
Why is K/N asking for x86_64 on ARM? My .def is inside this post
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package = platform.SDL2
headers = SDL2/SDL.h
compilerOpts = -D_THREAD_SAFE -I/opt/homebrew/include/ -I/opt/homebrew/include/SDL2/
linkerOpts = -L/opt/homebrew/lib/ -lSDL2
As you can see, my .def is standard as it should be
I suppose you might want to add x86_64 to EXCLUDED_ARCHS in the project setting in the project settings in Xcode?
Yeah, but the project is not connected to Xcode? I’m building this from IntelliJ. And I’m aware in the end it somehow communicates back to xcode for something
Yeah, I believe it runs the xcode in the end some way; I have EXCLUDED_ARCHS = x86_64; in my project.pbxproj to avoid this problem, but IIRC had configured that in there in Xcode some way; unfortunately cannot remember any details any more...
So - if you have project.pbxproj in your sources, I'd try to open that in xcode & do the modification. But if you don't have it at all, must be something else and I'm confused 🙂
Yeah, no I don't have this, so we're definitely talking about two different things
@Krystian what is your build.gradle.kts like? what architectures do you have?
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plugins {
    kotlin("multiplatform") version "2.0.0-Beta1"

group = "cz.mira"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {

kotlin {
    macosArm64 {
        compilations.getByName("main") {
            val sdl2 by cinterops.creating {


        binaries {
            executable {
                entryPoint = "main"
sdl2.def (your file) main.kt
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import kotlinx.cinterop.ExperimentalForeignApi
import kotlinx.cinterop.toKString

fun main() {
    println("Hello, Kotlin/Native! The SDL2 version " +
            "is ${platform.SDL2.SDL_GetRevision()?.toKString()}")
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10:34:00: Executing 'runReleaseExecutableMacosArm64'...

> Task :checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :cinteropSdl2MacosArm64
> Task :compileKotlinMacosArm64
> Task :xcodeVersion
> Task :linkReleaseExecutableMacosArm64

> Task :runReleaseExecutableMacosArm64
Hello, Kotlin/Native! The SDL2 version is SDL-release-2.28.5-0-g15ead9a40

6 actionable tasks: 6 executed
10:34:14: Execution finished 'runReleaseExecutableMacosArm64'.
Hey @Miroslav Sobotka Thank you! this was indeed what I was missing. I was under the assumption a gradle.properties that turns this off would work but I was wrong. However, for whatever reason be it using IntelliJ or Fleet when running runReleaseExecutable or Debug it skips that process
kodee happy 1