:wave: Dagger Lightsaber :dagger_knife::flashlight...
# dagger
👋 Dagger Lightsaber 🗡️🔦 is in the house! It's a Jedi tool for your Dagger projects. 🕵️‍♂️ It spots dead code in your Dagger2 `@Module`s and `@Component`s. Reports that even non-Jedi can understand! In our main project we have removed more than 1.500 lines directly. After that deletion our other analysis tools found even more dead code because those
were the only reference to a lot of dead classes (and its dependencies). Give it a try and give us feedback! https://github.com/SchwarzIT/dagger-lightsaber
👍 3
just wondering, is there any issues when using Hilt? I guess it shouldn't be, since Hilt generates Dagger stuff, or?
Good question. I think that it shouldn't but we don't use Hilt so we didn't check that.
will maybe give it a spin. Maybe we will fix some Hilt bugs on the way 😛
❤️ 1
Sounds good! Yeah, we defenerely want to support Hilt too. And if we don't support it now it shouldn't be difficult to fix it.