Hey there, consider following scenario: I have a n...
# decompose
Hey there, consider following scenario: I have a navigation component that hosts one ChildSlot and one ChildStack. Also, each screen in my app is represented by a Component. • The stack displays application screen components in a classic push-pop manner. • The slot, on the other hand, displays some of my application’s screens as sheet-like overlay over rest of my screens in the stack. When I activate something in the slot, I would like the rest of my screens in the stack to go from RESUMED to STARTED lifecycle state and when I dismiss the slot, rest of the screens in the stack should go back from STARTED to RESUMED (onResume is called on their lifecycles). Do I need to implement some custom navigation model for that? 🤔 (My ultimate goal is to implement screen tracking analytics in KMP — I want to track which screens users visit as they navigate around my app, and the easiest solution looks like tracking such event in component lifecycle’s
callback. I need to track these events when the screen is also displayed again after closing the sheet, which is why I need that
to fire again when user closes the sheet.)
There could be multiple options. I think the following is one of the easiest.
Hmm, I see… interesting approach. And since the provided Lifecycle is merged with the parent one, it will get destroyed automatically. Thanks!
Yep! Just make sure you never destroy the lifecycle. The stack will be destroyed automatically once the hosting component is destroyed.
I would just try, and if it's not working then comment in the issue. 😀
I gave it a quick try and it looks like this approach will be the way 🙌
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