:mega: The 1.8.0-RC release is here! Some highligh...
# coroutines
📣 The 1.8.0-RC release is here! Some highlights: • Experimental Wasm/JS support; • Atomicfu transformations are enabled for Kotlin/Native, and with them come footprint improvements; •
times out after 60 seconds and not 10. Details: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/releases/tag/1.8.0-RC
🎉 11
Atomicfu version is updated to 0.23.1, and Kotlin/Native atomic transformations are enabled, reducing the footprint of coroutine-heavy code (#3954).
Are there any benchmarks highlighting perf differences on Native?
Can we expect a threads api for native soon so we don’t have to deal pthreads or c interop?
Keep in mind of this issue!