In compose 1.7 `IndicationInstance` is hard deprec...
# compose
In compose 1.7
is hard deprecated, but the documentation for migration is a little lacking :(
How would I go to migrate something like:
Copy code
object NoIndication : Indication {
    private object NoIndicationInstance : IndicationInstance {
        override fun ContentDrawScope.drawIndication() {

    override fun rememberUpdatedInstance(interactionSource: InteractionSource): IndicationInstance {
        return NoIndicationInstance
So basically to remove ripples on some composables?
Migration guidance will be released in the future. To remove ripples you can use the new RippleConfiguration class
Hum seems it's only in Material and not m3?
For now, it will be added to material3 when it goes to a new alpha release again
Until then you can just suppress the deprecation
And use LocalRippleTheme to provide a transparent colour / 0 alpha
👍 1
Ok thanks, seems M3 B1 was tagged so should not take long and in all cases I'm still blocked from upgrading from older 1.6 alphas due to that I hope will finally get some love.