Hey, why is shouldBe (and its friends) not generic...
# kotest
Hey, why is shouldBe (and its friends) not generically typed? Isn't the same the type the prerequisite for the values being equal? This would ease writing tests I think. Currently I need to figure type mismatches at runtime and not compile time.
IIRC it's due to some corner cases, like
listOf(1,2,3) shouldBe intArrayOf(1,2,3)
I tinkered with a code inspection in the Kotest IntelliJ plugin way back, which identified cases where incompatible types were being passed to
Even if this fails for collections, what about simple objects? I'm thinking about:
val foo= 1.3
foo shouldBe 2
Does this really require a plugin? I was hoping for some simple (possibly reified) generic flavor of shouldBe.
From what I understand after some discussion with chatgpt, this currently not possible because of type earsure.
Type erasure only occurs during runtime. I don’t think that’s a factor here
👍 2
It doesn't work for:
apple shouldBe fruit
fruit shouldBe apple
I think kotlin.test solves that with
@OnlyInputTypes T
, though the annotation's internal to Kotlin at the moment. (here)
Would that work for A, B if A <: B as well as A >: B because that's the usecase we need.
If it just locks in the types, it won't work where one is a subtype of another.
👍 1