Hey all, I've got a Kotlin/JS react app running ni...
# javascript
Hey all, I've got a Kotlin/JS react app running nicely locally, but I'm trying to get it running in a container so I can get it deployed. I'm using
CMD "node", "dmseer.js"
to run my app, I get the following error related to a markdown library for React:
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dmseer-web-1      | Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /code/node_modules/react-markdown/index.js from /code/dmseer.js not supported.
dmseer-web-1      | Instead change the require of index.js in /code/dmseer.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
dmseer-web-1      |     at /code/dmseer.js:5:177
dmseer-web-1      |     at Object.<anonymous> (/code/dmseer.js:81:2) {
dmseer-web-1      |   code: 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM'
dmseer-web-1      | }
The code defining my component looks like this:
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package components

import react.FC
import react.Props

external val ReactMarkdown: FC<MarkdownProps>

external interface MarkdownProps : Props {
    var children: String
I build the JS code with
(which I think might be my issue), move the package.json to the build folder, run
node i
and then make that folder available to the container. Anyone have any ideas what might be going on? This all works fine when run locally.
Do you use webpack distribution?
I've only got very basic webpack config in my build.gradle...
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commonWebpackConfig {
    cssSupport {
webpackTask {
    output.libraryTarget = "commonjs2"
Do you build Node.js application?
I think you are using the wrong task, you should use
instead of
Alas, that gives me the same error, except at build time rather than runtime:
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> Task :jsNodeProductionRun FAILED
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: /Users/don/code/don/dmseer/build/js/node_modules/react-markdown/index.js
require() of ES modules is not supported.
require() of /Users/don/code/don/dmseer/build/js/node_modules/react-markdown/index.js from /Users/don/code/don/dmseer/build/js/packages/dmseer/kotlin/dmseer.js is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .js files in that package scope as ES modules.
Instead rename index.js to end in .cjs, change the requiring code to use import(), or remove "type": "module" from /Users/don/code/don/dmseer/build/js/node_modules/react-markdown/package.json.
Error description describe root cause
You have invalid
Hmm, I read somewhere else that this is because of
moving to ES modules and not supporting commonjs any more. I downgraded to an older version and resolved that build issue.
Koltin/JS supports
module kind. You can use it for new versions
Ok, I'm in the process of upgrading Kotlin, multiplatform, and wrappers. I've been on the same version since I started this project a year ago.
🔥 2
I do have one issue with the
, though. When I try to run the code this way, I get back the following error:
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> Task :jsNodeProductionRun FAILED
ReferenceError: document is not defined
    at main (/Users/don/code/don/dmseer/build/compileSync/js/main/developmentExecutable/kotlin/commonMainSources/libraries/stdlib/src/kotlin/util/Standard.kt:63:53)
I'm guessing this is because I need to do some work on my webpack config and package.json. I notice that my browser builds have a package.json that has no dependancies in it (no react, react-dom, router, etc)
@turansky is there a template for a up to date Kotlin/JS project? I feel like I've pulled together stuff from a bunch of old example projects and it's just not working well any more.
I personally hide configuration in plugins
In wrappers we use this one