Has anyone had a similar issue before?
# touchlab-tools
Has anyone had a similar issue before?
Hi! Not sure if this is the same case, but there is a known bug (which will be fixed in the upcoming release) that causes this crash if you return a Flow from suspend function. SKIE doesn’t support the automatic Flow conversions in this case, but due to this bug, it does it anyway. The workaround in the meantime is to not make the function suspend (which should be easy to do in most cases) or to disable the Flow interop (or the suspend interop, but this is less recommenede) for it - using the
Oh damn, I've forgot about that again...my bad.
I've used the function without a Flow, then added flow and forgot to remove a suspend keyword.
yeah, sorry about that, the release with the fix will be out hopefully later this week
🙏 1