Hello! I'm currently experimenting with migrating ...
# apollo-kotlin
Hello! I'm currently experimenting with migrating an existing project to Kotlin multiplatform and I have a question. Some details about the project: • 1 android app that uses apollo-android (v2.5.14), in its own repo. ◦ It's not in the plan to migrate to a newer version of apollo in the short term, as we rely heavily on LiveData and it would require quite some time to switch to coroutines. • 1 iOS app that uses apollo-ios (v1.2.2), in its own repo. What I would like to do: • Switch to a monorepo that would have ios, android and shared (KMP) • Share networking / repository code between Android and iOS (for new features, not in the plan to refactor existing code for now) • Use the latest version of apollo-kotlin in the shared part. My main question: is it possible to use apollo-kotlin 4.x in the shared code part, while also using apollo-android (v2.x) in the android code (can both live together)? Bonus question: is it possible to have the graphql queries (.graphql files) stored in the shared folder, while having the shared module generating code using apollo-kotlin 4.x and the android module generating code from those same graphql files using apollo-android 2.x (and storing them in the android module)?
Hi! Having both 2.x and 4.x in the same project should be possible. The Gradle plugins have separate ids, and the dependencies reside in different packages. For 2nd question I think it's possible but I'm not sure I understand - do you intend to have the generated code twice? One from 2.x, one from 4.x?
Thanks for the quick answer 🙂. For 2nd question, I hope this image can provide more info. In the end, the goal of doing this is to have only one folder for all .graphql files (stored in commonMain/graphql), instead of needing to put some .graphql files in commonMain/graphql and some in android/src/main/graphql.
yes this is possible, you can configure where to find the graphql files in your android module with 2.x (with
) and by putting them there they'll also be picked up by your shared module with 4.x. But just a warning that this means the code will be generated twice then.
It's not working for me. This is my code in the android/build.gradle file:
Copy code
apollo {


When I execute android:generateApolloSources I get nothing in android/build/src/graphql
not exactly sure about relative vs absolute paths - could you try
Copy code
😅 1
🎉 1
It works 🙂. Thanks
sure thing!