Due to <https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/m...
# javascript
Due to https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/master/libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plug[…]jetbrains/kotlin/gradle/targets/js/testing/karma/KotlinKarma.kt, Chrome is always enabled as a browser. What if I don't want to use Chrome? How can I run tests only on Firefox? For context, I'm setting up my CI pipeline, and each browser is tested in parallel in a specific image that only has what is necessary. Thus, no Chrome in the Firefox tests.
You can easily change the browser using the Gradle dsl
testTask { useFirefox() }
or set it with a property: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-52951
I have
but it still tries to execute Chrome too. As you can see in the code I linked above, KGP always adds Chrome, no matter what other browsers you specify.
The link in KGP only adds the launcher dependency, but does not use Crome as default browser. This is handled in this line: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/405a502675bfeb2457ecdd15bee10e054d1c0934/libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin/src/common/kotlin/org/jetbrains/kotlin/gradle/targets/js/ir/KotlinBrowserJsIr.kt#L61, so you need to use an empty testTask:
Copy code
js(IR) {
  browser {
    testTask { }
Sorry, you need to use this code:
Copy code
js(IR) {
  browser {
    testTask {
      useKarma {
This results into: Execution failed for task 'sharedjsBrowserTest'.
No browsers configured for task 'sharedjsBrowserTest'