I was writing an expression which had to end up wi...
# getting-started
I was writing an expression which had to end up with a cast, then a method call and wrapping the whole thing in brackets was looking really ugly by the time ktlint had finished with it:
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private val jwtVerifier = (
    .acceptLeeway(3) as JWTVerifier.BaseVerification
So I pulled out an extension function as so:
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private val jwtVerifier = JWT

private fun <B> Any.castTo(): B = this as B
Is there an existing equivalent of
I'm missing? Is there any way to ensure that the receiver is a supertype of the target type, without having to pass both as type arguments at the call site?
I think your best option would just be to use
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.let { it as JWTVerifier.BaseVerification }
That way you get the formatting you want, but still get the IDE warnings and other inspections that come with using
🆒 1
That's nice, thanks
I think something like what you're asking for is possible with some annotation hackery:
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fun <A, B : A> @kotlin.internal.Exact A.castTo() = this as B
Then using
at the call site:
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.castTo<_, JWTVerifier.BaseVerification>()
But the resulting behaviour is still less intelligent than the built-in IDE inspections 😞
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Any().castTo<_, String>() // ✅
"Hello".castTo<_, Int>() // ❌
("Hello" as Any).castTo<_, Int>() // ✅
At the end of the day, you'll always be able to come up with some example of a downcast that looks fine but fails at runtime
Though now it occurs to me that perhaps this is nicer still:
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private val jwtVerifier = JWT

fun Verification.build(clock: Clock): JWTVerifier = (this as JWTVerifier.BaseVerification).build(clock)
😄 good point
Easy to get carried away with cool Kotlin features and forget about the good old fashioned solutions
I like it 👍