Hi friends, while using certain Compose Multiplatf...
# compose
Hi friends, while using certain Compose Multiplatform libraries, I'm seeing this error in my IDE and I'm not sure how to fix this. Please help: Here's the error message:
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Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 11 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.8. Please specify proper '-jvm-target' option
Also shown in the first image below And over the internet, people have given suggestions to set
androidTarget.compilations.all.kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "11"
and set
to JavaVersion.VERSION_11 But I can see that's already done in my project (also shown in the second image below) I have also tried invalidating the cache and restarting Android Studio. Btw, I am using
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 16
, could that have anything to do with the issue? Or is there anything else I'm missing here?
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compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
Try like above. Could you identify the specific Library that when included triggers the issue? If so try to update that library. Oh wait, I see the first screenshot, nvm.
Try like above. Could you identify the specific Library that when included triggers the issue?
If so try to update that library. Oh wait, I see the first screenshot, nvm.
Glad that you saw the library. Just to be clearer, I'm seeing this with 2 libraries: 1. io.github.qdsfdhvh:image-loader 2. moe.tlaster:precompose Attaching error from 2nd library below:
I see in the library there are 2 functions named ImageRequest, one is an inline function and seems to be causing the problem. Can you try adapting your code to use the non inline version. Also, I would open an issue in the compose-image-loader repo. Maybe someone dealt with it before.
Understood, many thanks!
Actually this is an IDE error but it seems to be fixed in the latest IntelliJ EA release. Solution: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTIJ-20816/Bogus-error-Cannot-inline-bytecode-built-with-JVM-target-11-into-bytecode-that-is-being-built-with-JVM-target-1.8 add
to every affected file, and now your IDE is usable again!
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This works well Thank you Michael Btw, is there a way to use this globally for the whole project?
Not that I know of.
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Is there a reason the default target is a dinosaur version of JVM?
also where do i put the @file thing, it just gives me a an error saying "expecting top level declaration"
@Vishnu Shrikar Put it on the top of your file Before the package and imports declaration
ok thank you that worked, turns out that Michaels slack message had the good looking but bad quotes on it 😛 I should have looked closer, for anyone who needs it.
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and thanks michael and shubham for the help
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