Hi everyone, this is my first time writing in the ...
# android
Hi everyone, this is my first time writing in the group, so hopefully everything will be OK. Can you help me what can be the root cause of the following exception in the Kotlin language:
Copy code
org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.KotlinFrontEndException: Front-end Internal error: Failed to analyze declaration
File being compiled: (68,5) in Kotlin file[0m
[10:27:02]: ▸ [35mThe root cause java.io.FileNotFoundException was thrown at: java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
Thanks to all who can help out on this issue. 🙂
It is an internal compiler error. The best would be reproduce and report it
To Kotlin team?
Yep, on Kotlin Issue tracker, it's not normal to have internal compiler error