# webassembly
Following updated now to use that • PeopleInSpace (https://github.com/joreilly/PeopleInSpace) • BikeShare (https://github.com/joreilly/BikeShare) • Chip-8 (https://github.com/joreilly/chip-8)
Curious, how is it running for you? All the UI elements working as expected? Notice any performance improvements?
only superficially tested so far
haven't noticed any issues yet but these examples still somewhat basic
cool. i have an app with about 6-8 views now using Compose MP and excited to get a wasm sample built up. Just need a couple more libs to support it (KMP-NativeCoroutines for example).
yeah, missing a few like that....for now I've isolated the Wasm based Compose for Web modules to not depend on shared code (other than chip8).....hopefully not for too much longer